The House of Commons debate on Bill C-29 began yesterday afternoon and is scheduled continue starting at approximately 3:00 p.m. this afternoon, ending at about 5:30 p.m. The Senate is not sitting this week, but the government will recall the Senate on Thursday if the Bill clears the Commons today.
The debate can be watched live and can be accessed at the first link below.
Blacklock’s Reporter is an Ottawa-based on-line publication reporting on government activities. The Blacklock’s report, accessed at the second link below, provides a good summary of yesterday’s debate.
The text of Bill C-29 can be found at
Bill C-29 requires work to recommence “on coming into force of this Act” This will be at 0001 hours, EDT, the day after the Bill receives Royal Assent. Failure to return to work could result in fines of $100,000 per day against the union.
The MEA issued the following brief statement this morning following the mediated negotiations that took place on Monday and Tuesday.
The Maritime Employers Association (MEA) followed the designated process and attended the meeting held by the mediators on Monday and Tuesday. Unfortunately, the discussions were inconclusive and we are assessing our options.
If they call us back, we will go, but both parties need to follow the mediators’ process.