The FMA Rail Committee met by video-conference on Tuesday, January 26, 2021.
Attached is the summary of the major agenda items included in the discussion. These items were
- proposed Transport Canada Railway Data Regulations
- CN Tariff 9000, Ancillary Charges
- section 13000 – intra-plant switching
- sections 13800 & 13850 Safe operating practices on shipper property
- Container Congestion – Rail Terminals
- Other Business
This was the first Rail Committee conference call in 2021 and members expressed interest in having the rail committee meet frequently. Also, John Corey mentioned that FMA will be commencing regular communications with the surface transport policy officials at Transport Canada and at the Canadian Transportation Agency and regular meetings of the Rail Committee will provide an opportunity to keep the FMA members briefed on these discussions.
It is requested that the attached summary be considered confidential and distribution kept within each member company. The summary can be found by clicking at the red bar below. It will also be posted on the “members-only” section of the FMA website.