Through our colleagues at the Private Motor Truck Council of Canada, we have been made aware of a short on-line COVID-19 “Work-safe” Training program that will be useful for truck drivers and other supply chain participants.
FMA has entered into an agreement with Bluedrop Learning Networks, a Canadian-based globally recognized e-learning innovator, to bring a proven COVID-19 Work Safe training course to the membership. FMA members can extend it to their carriers and supply chain partners.
Bluedrop’s interactive online training course, was launched with great success by the Province of Newfoundland & Labrador in July, and was developed under the guidance of several noted national experts, including Canada’s former Deputy Chief Public Health Officer, Dr. David Mowat. The course has now been tailored to the trucking/shipping/freight management industry.
The 40 minute course is free and when completed, the recipient can download certification that the course has been completed. The course is slide-based with a voice narration and is easy to follow.
More details and access to the course can be found by clicking below.