Service Update – All Modes


The Minister of Transport of Ontario (MTO) has launched a 511 app. to assist truck drivers to stay safe, fed and rested. The MTO news release can be found at the first red bar below.

Supply Chain Commentaries

1) The Loadstar reports on Container Lines Q1 Finacial Results

The Loadstar reports that container lines first quarter results were generally satisfactory as the shipping lines reduced capacity in line with falling demand. The following quarters may be more difficult. The Loadstar article can be found at the following link.

2) American Shipper Reports the U.S. FMC has finalized demurrage/detention Guidance

The U.S. Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) said it has finalized new guidance on how it will assess whether ocean carriers’ and marine terminal operators’ demurrage and detention practices are reasonable. This should be of value to U.S. shippers. The American Shipper article can be found at the second red bar below.

FMA Government Relations

FMA has continuing communications with Transport Canada Surface Policy and Marine Policy officials and with Natural Resources Canada (NRCan). FMA met by conference call on May 1 with Senator Paula Simons, at her request, to discuss current freight transportation issues. As a member of the SenateTransportation and Communications Committee, she is reaching out to stakeholders to broaden her knowledge on the current state of supply chains.

FMA Office Operations

FMA staff are primarily working from home. If you need to talk with us, please send messages to me at the email address below and leave a phone number where you can be reached.

Updates are on the FMA Website

All the COVID-19 updates that FMA has issued are now uploaded to the website and there is a link to them on the home page at .

The FMA updates focus on the impacts of COVID-19 on supply chains.

Information and questions from members are encouraged and will be useful in our continuing outreach to FMA members and in our communications with the government and with the Canadian Chamber of Commerce. All individual company information will be kept confidential.