Service Update – All Modes
There are no reports today of service disruptions in any of the modes.
Air Cargo
Air Canada Cargo has new scheduled cargo flights to/from Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Tel Aviv and Mexico and an additional flight to/from Frankfurt. Toronto is the Canadian terminus for these routes, except for the Tel Aviv service, where the terminus is Montreal.
Transportation of Dangerous Goods- Temporary Certificate
Canadian industry has been asked to reorganize its operations to manufacture essential medical supplies such as masks, ventilators and hand sanitizer.
Many of the new producers of hand sanitizers do not have the required transportation of dangerous goods (TDG) training or the appropriate resources to handle, offer for transport or transport dangerous goods, such as hand sanitizer, in compliance with the TDG Act.
To respond to this unprecedented situation, the Minister has authorized the handling, offering for transport, or transport of hand sanitizer by issuing a temporary certificate under subsection 31(2.1) of the TDG Act. The temporary certificate, published April 23, 2020, can be found at the first red bar below.
Supply Chain Commentaries
American Shipper – Infographic showing COVID-19 impact on the freight transportation modes
The April 24 Infographic providing a visual overview of the impacts can be found at the second red bar below.
FMA Government Relations
FMA has continuing communications with Transport Canada Surface Policy and Marine Policy officials and with Natural Resources Canada (NRCan).
FMA Office Operations
FMA staff are primarily working from home. If you need to talk with us, please send messages to me at the email address below and leave a phone number where you can be reached.
Updates are on the FMA Website
All the COVID-19 updates that FMA has issued are now uploaded to the website and there is a link to them on the home page at .
The FMA updates focus on the impacts of COVID-19 on supply chains.
Information and questions from members are encouraged and will be useful in our continuing outreach to FMA members and in our communications with the government and with the Canadian Chamber of Commerce. All individual company information will be kept confidential.