This afternoon, the Senate passed Bill C-13, and It has now received Royal Assent. The COVID-19 Emergency Response Act is now law and will now enable the government to roll out the economic support that it promised.
The text of Bill C-13 can be found at
The best summary that I have seen of the Bill C-13 is from Blacklock’s Reporter and it can be found at the red bar below.
In Update #11 yesterday, we included the very brief qualitative survey on transportation service that shippers have been experiencing. Thanks to those members who responded to the survey and it would be very helpful to have other members responses. It involves “ticking” seven boxes and should take less than a minute.
Our focus in the FMA updates will be on supply-chain impacts. In this connection, it would be appreciated if FMA members could keep us informed of impacts on your respective operations, particularly any supply chain disruptions. This will be helpful in our continuing outreach to members and our communications with the government and with the Canadian Chamber of Commerce. As always, all individual company information will be kept confidential.